Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gaara's Gourd

GAARA'S GOURD The gourd. The. Fricken. Gourd. Many cosplayers have attempted it. Quite a few have figured out some decent ways of doing it. But my sis and I were still dissatisfied. And rather unwilling to buy yoga balls or paper mache balloons or use chicken wire as a base then paper mache. Just too much work, and paper mache isn't all that sturdy. After a lot of online research and bouncing ideas off each other, it was our mom that suggested this:

Yep. Decorative pumpkins. It was like $7 for the large one and $5 for the small one at Micheal's craft store during the fall season.

At Micheal's we picked out a "sand" colored acrylic paint for .59cents a bottle and a mustard yellow for the symbols, oh and brown for the cork. We already had black. So we painted a couple coats, made a template for the symbols, traced and painted. The pumpkins are hollow inside, easy to cut, lightweight. We cut the top off the large one and hot glued! The a small piece off the top and inserted a foam "cork". For Temari I'd gotten this red scarf but it was too short for my sash so ta-da! covered the hot glued spot and the elastic strap/harness system (like a backpack) we made so my sis could wear it un-noticed.
Total price: approx $15-20
End result:

Bam. Gaara's Gourd. On a budget.

Getting Started

Getting started... probably the easiest thing to do. Get so excited about a cosplay that you GET STARTED. It's everything after that where the real struggling begins. But don't worry. I'm going to let you in on tricks I've learned, off-the-wall ideas, bargins, steals, thrifting, and all out being a tight-wad with your cosplay budget and STILL get an awesome costume as a result. Oh yeah. Let's do this.