Sunday, July 22, 2012

Gaara: Wig and Makeup Edition

Almost finished talking about Gaara. Having been our real first cosplays and convention, we picked characters we loved that we physically fit, made sure the characters went together and were pretty easy overall. Gaara and Temari were the best first choices we could've made, and we therefore entered the "my first honest to goodness cosplay was from Naruto" club. XD

Gaara's wig was cheap. Let me say that again. Gaara's wig is a cheap party wig. YES it's taboo in the cosplay world. Do I care? Hell no. If I think I can manage with a cheap party wig, I'm gonna make it happen. Supporting my single hobby as a cosplayer is one thing, endeavoring to fund both mine AND my sister's cosplay hobby is a LOT harder. So I cut corners wherever I can manage as long as I'm not completely sacrificig the quality of the end result.

Here it is, $15, untouched.
"Va Va Vamp"

...not so "va va" out of the package...

At the time, we didn't own a wig head, so we cut/styled it while my bro wore it. Honestly, with this being our first time cutting/styling a wig and a cheap one at that, she cut it too short in some spots and choppy. But in the end, she made it work. My sis really makes magic happen with wigs! After storage and a few wears, the spikes are less prominent and next time she wears it we'll have to livin' it a bit. Really, we'd like to get another Va Va Vamp and re-make it.

For the "love/ai" tattoo, she took a scrap of stencil sheet from her art class and we cut it out, used watercolor in red and tape to hold it in place. Took a lot of hours of cutting and a few tries to get the coloring-in technique down.

For the eyebrows, or rather, lack thereof, you can google different techniques and tricks. She decided to go the gluestick route, which after several tries, REALLY works well. In the pic below, that was the second try, but by the con we had it perfected.

Everything but the wig was already owned. We used Revlon black matte eyeshadow to fill in/set the eyes even though a lot of that is eyeliner.
End result:
Total Price: $15

Bam. Gaara's wig and makeup. On a budget.

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